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Sunday, March 21, 2010

[MCR] Rogers Pass: Dome / Lilly Loop

On the Dome to Lilly Loop yesterday, Sat Mar 20. Lots of avalanche activity from the storm last weekend, in particular along the Lilly Glacier on the moraines below, and the steep slopes that threaten the ski out from skiers right. Not much more left up there to worry about. A big avalanche ran onto the steeper slopes of the Lilly glacier from high up skiers left. Any lingering surface hoar layers would have released with this impact.


On the way up to the Dome we couldn't find any layers of concern above about 2300 -2400m.

Below, many fracture lines in fairly low angle terrain is enough evidence that the surface hoar layers are still out there. Some of theses avalanches also ran into flat terrain. All slopes that haven't released yet should be treated with the necessary caution.


Ski quality in the alpine wasn't too bad, though pretty wind affected.

Lower down a mix of sometimes breakable crusts and moist snow made for an entertaining ski out.


Thomas Exner

Mountain Guide (IFMGA / ACMG)

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