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Sunday, March 7, 2010

[MCR] Northern Purcells: Purcell Lodge

I spent Feb. 26-Mar. 4 guiding at Purcell Lodge in the Northern Purcells.


While the same buried surface hoar layers were present in the snowpack; we were only seeing reactivity on the Feb. 24 layer (down ~20 cm) at treeline & above on north (especially NE) aspects. Numerous naturals, skier remotes and skier controlled on this layer but only low density (4F-F) soft slabs due to the surprising lack of wind.


Midweek the sun came out and warmed things up substantially. This created crusts on south and west aspects up to mountain top (2600 metres). Mild overnight temps promoted increased strengthening of the upper snowpack except on north, shaded aspects where we were still seeing results on the Feb. 24 layer.


Ken Belanger

TopCog Adventures

ACMG Assistant Ski Guide

CAA Level 2