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Monday, January 25, 2010

[MCR] Southern Selkirks: Valkyr range

Just finishing off a week in the Valkyr Range south of Nakusp.

We ski tested some small steep slopes at treeline but haven't seen any avalanches all week (human triggered or natural). 

Primary concerns are old hard wind slabs in the alpine and to a lesser extent at treeline; and two persistent surface hoar layers in the top 40-60 cm of the snowpack. Both the windslabs and surface hoar layers are showing "pop" characteristics with compression and rutschblock tests but haven't been reactive to our skis. No whumpfs or cracking noted this week at all. 

We just buried another surface hoar layer yesterday but it is only down a cm so there are no concerns there yet.

Still good skiing in sheltered areas.

Mark Klassen
Mountain Guide