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Friday, June 12, 2009

[MCR] Mt Athabasca, June 11, 2009

Had a beautiful sunny day on Mt Athabasca yesterday via the AA Col Route, alongside Steve Blagbrough. 


Travel conditions were excellent on the glacier and steeper snow slopes with good crampon purchase on firm snow, no ice showing yet.  The bergschrund was well filled in and crossed easily.  Above 3000m on North aspects there was still soft/dry snow from the storm on the night of  the 7th that deposited 20-30cm up high.  We elected not to ascend/descend the North Glacier ramp due to potential wind-slabs formed by this snow.  It was +2'C at the summit by 0930 so this should help the storm snow settle out soon.


We were happy to be off the glacier by noon as the snow travel was softening quickly, and hazard from falling rocks/snow was on the rise.


Have fun out there!


Conrad Janzen
IFMGA Mountain Guide