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Sunday, January 11, 2009

[MCR] Avalanche involvement at Mistaya, Rockies

Watched a Size 2 Skier accidental on January 10th, 1500hrs, 2100m East aspect, the Abyss, approx. 37 degrees. Simple planar slope, no trees except a couple of small ones at the fracture line. Slope approximately 70m high.

Fracture line 40m wide, 50-80cms deep ran 70m.  Failure plane was December 27th facets. Very soft slab. Large whumph, then a long wait while the slope fractured and then a very long wait till it started to glide.

4th skier on slope had fallen at what turned out to be a small rock feature. They were carried to the toe of the deposit and buried with one hand out and a decent airspace. Second involement was carried down at the fracture line and left mostly above the surface. No injuries.

Larry Stanier
ACMG/IFMGA Mountain Guide

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