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Saturday, February 3, 2007

[MCR] A Bridge too far

Guiding up there today,
Had never been up this one, a good route if your looking to cover lots of
The approach is short right now about one hour to the base. The snow is hard
and makes for good walking. Comming out is even faster!

First pitch is good at 4+ nice features to step on and not much signs of
heavy travel.
We made are way to the very top of all the ice, a long process with some
deep snow near the end, we chose our line while weaving our rope around few
trees avoiding the deep snow and a few large steep slab pockets. Above the
route not much snow in the boll a few signs of some old slab avalanches that
did not appear to have gone very far. Overall the slabs were bonding quite
well to the snow pack bellow.

Nice to be in the sun on this one, once on the climb temps stayed around -5
all day.

Getting off was quite fast, raps and walking.
Sean's mixed climbs on the right side of the first pitch look quite fun
right now offering a three foot ice roof at the top of the rock. Check out
the guide book for more details.


Patrick Delaney

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