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Monday, January 22, 2007

[MCR] Professor's

Went to Professor today - the mountain bike approach works well up to the fork in the road about 1.5 km past the golf course club house - after that it's not plowed anymore. The climb is in good shape, however all but the last pitch is a good bit wetter than usually. We even bypassed the third steeper tier because the water stream was gushing out like a waternig can pretty evenly across the entire pillar. Unlike normally, the last pitch is totally dry and pretty well beat in but still steep and a healthy WI 4. 
In the afternoon, the wind picked up dramatically and sent spindrifts down the gully - wouldn't be surprised if some new wind slabs formed in protected areas.
Jorg Wilz
Mountain Guide (ACMG / IFMGA / UIAGM)
1-800 506-7177 or (001) 403 678 2717