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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[MCR] Anorexia Nervosa, The Ghost (Nov 25)

It was chinookin' hard in the Ghost today (Nov 25) with the
temperature hitting 9 C at 3pm. The approach up Planters Valley was
snow free making for slightly less awkward stumbling through the talus
and scree. Nice soft ice on Anorexia Nervosa--almost too soft in
places for trust-worthy ice screws. The first pitch takes 13 and 16cm
screws but thins to less than an inch at the bulge for a move or two.
Weathering Heights looks like it is hurting from the warm temps. We
didn't go right up to it, but lots of wet rock on either side makes me
suspect it could be delaminating a bit.

Sean Isaac
Alpine Guide

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