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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

[MCR] Ghost - Phantom Wall - Bonanza

Pretty high water levels at the Ghost River today convinced us to park our SUV at the bottom of the big hill rather than trying to plow through the "rapids". Others with full scale 4 wheel drive trucks were more courageous and managed to drive to the Devil's Gap parking spot. We walked and waded with water to a bit above our kness on both arms of the Ghost River.
Bonanza was dry for all but two meters - always a great climb although a lot of dirt got spilled down the route with the last couple of week's monsoon.
Unfortunately, a bit of an eyesore now are the remnants of recent extensive logging east of the the Ghost River......
Jorg Wilz 
Mountain Guide (ACMG / VDBS / IFMGA)
1-800 506-7177 or (001) 403 678 2717