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Saturday, May 3, 2008

[MCR] Lyell and Mons Icefields, Rockies, April 26-May 03, 2008

Just back from a really fun week of ski touring and climbing on the Mons and Lyell Icefields in the Rockies! 


We had cool temperatures and 40-60cm of new snow in the alpine during the middle of the week (good boot top powder skiing!!), followed by two days of blue skies and warmer temps.  This has resulted in well settled spring conditions below 2600m and on most solar aspects.  Higher terrain and N aspects still had unconsolidated storm snow as of yesterday and we were careful to avoid wind loaded areas in these locations. 


We saw quite a number of cornice failures at the end of the storm, some of which were pulling out slabs in the recent storm snow yesterday.  We also had the usual solar triggered sluffs and slides expected with daytime warming.  Early starts were important to take advantage of the good travel and low hazard in the morning.


Coverage on the glaciers was good with over 320cm in all areas with the exception of wind affected spots on steep rolls and at ridge tops.


Good travel, good spring skiing, and lots of great tours and peaks to climb and ski in the area!


Cheers, Conrad Janzen

Mountain Guide with the Alpine Club of Canada

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