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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

[MCR] Continental Divide Skiing

Got back from a great little day trip that I've never done.
Skied to the back of Sherbrook lake, then headed west towards Mt Ogden (crossed at the south end close to the shore - not comfortable enough to ski across the middle). At the NW end of the lake we skied up the major slide path with a little bit of bashing to get to just above treeline which opened up into a great selection of terrain with various aspects. Something for everyone. Up to 10cm fresh with little to no wind affect of overlying a supportive crust of various nature. Great turns!
Information for the Day
Sky : Overcast
Temps : high -12 / low -17 (no inversion here)
Wind : light southerly AM / calm PM
Precip : S -1
High point around 8000'
HS varying from 70 to 125cm
Time 1330
7200' on an East asp. of 32 degrees
HS 120cm
Rain crust is down 63cm 
Compression Test Hard (24 and 29) down 65 just below the rain crust in a slighly faceted layer.The shear failed cleanly but with resistance. Of note was the lack of depth hoar at the ground. Impressive.
alpine - fair to good
treeline - good
Below treeline - good
Early season hazards still exist in the trees with some facetting which is allowing you to contact stumps and rocks.
Darcy Chilton
ACMG Ski guide