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Friday, April 8, 2011

[MCR] Avalanche Control on Icefields Parkway

The Icefields Parkway will be closed in the afternoon on Saturday April
from Saskatchewan River Crossing to the Parker Ridge Area. All ice climbs
on Mount Wilson, Mount Cirrus (Weeping Wall, Polar Circus) and in the area
between the Crossing and Parker Ridge will be closed for the day.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Max Darrah
Visitor Safety | Sécurité Publique
Jasper National Park of Canada | Parc national du Canada Jasper

These observations and opinions are those of the person who submitted
them. The ACMG and its members take no responsibility for errors,
omissions, or lapses in continuity. Conditions differ greatly over time
and space due to the variable nature of mountain weather and terrain.
Application of this information provides no guarantee of increased safety.
Do not use the Mountain Conditions Report as the sole factor in planning
trips or making decisions in the field.
Please check out for more information.