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Friday, June 25, 2010

[MCR] Lake Louise Group - Haddo Peak and Mt Aberdeen

In the last 24 hours, a large sz 2.5 pulled out to blue glacial ice on the NE side of Haddo Peak. It came out of the bowl formed by Haddo and Sheol Mtn. Hard to tell, but it may have been cornice triggered from above. The crown line is 1+ metre. The debris ran a good 600m, very close to the waterfall ice climb, "The Tease".
Sags are starting to show on the Aberdeen Glacier, and serac debris was noted coming from the climber's far-right side on Mt Aberdeen.

The warmer night temperatures, accompanied with localized intense showers over the last couple of days, are keeping the snowpack from getting a solid freeze around Lake Louise.  Heads up on snow routes over the next few days until things really solidify.
Chris Gooliaff

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