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Monday, April 13, 2009

[MCR] Sprearhead Range

Was up in the Spearhead for the last couple of days. Visited all aspects in the Alpine and the southerly side of Treeline. On southern aspects in the Alpine there is a solid crust covered by a few cm of new snow that fell recently. In many places the snow is blown off, and for a couple of patches it would have been nice to have ski crampons to cut trail. On upper due N aspects new snow now covers faceted loose snow, really good skiing. 

On the glaciers there are many crevasses visible and sagging.  More than usual for this time of year.

At Treeline on S aspects there is a thick crust (50cm) over wet grains. Yesterday afternoon when we skied out new snow was accumulating fast.  The snow was cracking but not sliding.

Good spring touring but a little windy...


Dave Sarkany

Ski Guide