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Monday, April 7, 2008

[MCR] Rogers Pass/Wapta Icefields

Here are our observations from the Assistant Ski Guide Exam in Rogers Pass
and Wapta Icefields last week. The info is a few days old now.

Rogers Pass, March 29 - April 1:

We skied variations on the 3 Pass Route, Young's Peak Traverse, and Flat
Creek area.

Weather: Typical spring weather with convective flurries, variable light
wind, yet cool temperatures. Up to 15cm over the 4 days.

Snowpack: Our main Concern throughout the week were the persistent weak
layers of March 9 (down 60cm) and Feb 27 (down 120 cm). Test results were
generally in the hard range with planar characteristics, reminding us that
there was potential for wide propogations. There were sun crusts on steep
solar aspects up to 1800m.

Avalanches: A few natural cornice triggered avalanches up to size 2, (north
side of Bhagheera Mtn) Limited solar triggered point releases on sunny

Hazard: We rated the hazard as, Alpine: Considerable, Treeline: Moderate,
Below treeline: Low.

Ski Quality: Best skiing was found on North aspects.

Wapta Icefields, April 3 - 4:

We traveled to (in three separate groups) to the Bow, Balfour, and Peyto
Hut areas.

Weather: Mixed spring weather once again with intense convective flurries
that produced 10-20cm of low density snow on the afternoon of April 3. Cool
temperatures and moderate west winds.

Snowpack: Snow cover ranged from 150 cm to 300 cm on the glaciers. Surface
Hoar was observed up to 6 mm in sheltered North aspects, moist snow up to
2700m on South aspects. The Feb 25th surface hoar layer is now buried 60 to
100cm deep, and producing hard compression test results.

Avalanches: Evidence of a natural cycle up to 2.5. We had a skier remote
size 2 on the West side of Mt. Gordon on a steep north facing role. Group
was up tracking in safe terrain above the feature. It released on the Feb
25th surface hoar layer. The fracture line was 100cm deep in places, 200m
wide, and 75m long. There is still potential out there. Picture attached.

Hazard Rating: Alpine: Considerable, Tree Line: Considerable, Below Tree
Line: Low

Ski Quality: Best skiing will be found on North aspect once again.

Marc Piche
Jim Gudjonson
Aaron Beardmore

Mountain Guides

(See attached file: Gordon size 2.jpg)