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Monday, April 28, 2008

[MCR] Fairy Meadows (Adaments) April 18-26

Ski touring at Fairy Meadows from April 18-26. Mixed group of ski guide exam candidates and recreational skiers. We skied most major areas and classic objectives; Nobility, Adaments, Gothics groups and tree skiing.

We experienced very wintery conditions all week. Earlier in the week it was clear and cold (-20) with 40 cm of new snow. Mid week saw continued cool temps and unsettled weather which brought a few cm's of new snow and moderate to strong winds. There was widespread wind effect with still excellent skiing to be found in sheltered areas. A final storm brought up to 60cm of new snow with deep trail breaking.

The snow pack has 40-60 cm of light density snow overlying a well settled snow pack of 260 to 350cm plus. Mid pack has several laminated crusts. The April 13 crust 60-80 cm down is very discernable but seems to be bonding well. The February 26 surface hoar deep instability is still present producing Hard to Very Hard sudden planar results in deep shear/compression tests. In most areas this layer of concern seemed to be deteriorating with a rounding and flattening of the crystals. Yet in some isolated areas the surface hoar was preserved with upright striated crystals. Thus caution on this layer with either large loads (cornice/serac fall- intense daytime warming and in shallow snow areas). We suspect buried windslab, isolated soft and hard slab as well as lee loaded pockets associated with the latest storm snow. Moist snow turning to crusts on steep solar and at lower elevations.

Stability & Hazard;
Stability was rated good for most of the week in the Alpine, Treeline and Below Treeline and deteriorating with daytime warming, added snow load and wind. Since the latest new snow accumulation was above critical amounts and there was wind and rapid loading associated with this latest storm, we suspect stability to deteriorate to Fair in the Alpine and Treeline. Hazard is considerable.

Avalanche Activity;
Apart from Friday, cooler temps and rapid settlement dominated the week and we saw little avalanche activity. Of note was a size 2 skier accidental on the last day. A perhaps over enthusiastic skier skied a steep NE facing moraine feature which was wind loaded, planar and shallow. The skier was able to ski out of the avalanche which propagated about 60meters was 40-60cms deep and ran for 100 meters or so. Other than that a serac triggered slab of size 2.5 and few small solar triggered avalanches were seen. Mostly good to excellent skiing and good to fair visibility and travel. Cheers!

Eric Dumerac
Assistant Ski/Alpine Guide

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