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Sunday, March 2, 2008

[MCR] Rockies - Little Crowfoot again

Up on Little Crowfoot again yesterday March 1.

10-15 cm of snow in the parking lot, -3.5 at mid-day although it felt warmer during the sunny periods of the day, moderate to strong westerly winds at ridgetop transporting snow. Lots of evidence of wind effect. 

A couple of whumpfs in thin areas in the moraines. One whumpf and a 12 m long shooting crack at treeline in a thin area (50 cm): storm snow soft wind slab over facets. Other than that a surprising lack of avalanche activity considering the reports of the widespread surface hoar now buried by the storm snow. We saw one size 2 avalanche on an east aspect in the alpine, on the S ridge of Bow Peak, looked like a thin windslab.

Good skiing in wind press on Crowfoot but I wonder if that has set up into a crust now...

Mark Klassen
Mountain Guide