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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[MCR] Kootenay Pass / Selkirk Mountains

We were pleasantly surprised today to find some quality early season turns. 

However, playing the aspects was key.  Lee slopes offered by far the best skiing with a snowpack of 70-100cm which was burying early season hazards nicely.  Windward aspects generally held 50-60cm with many thinly buried hazards under as little as 30cm of new snow in places.


The rain crust interface (~15-20cm above ground) produced variable results but generally seems to be gaining bond strength.    


Moderate ridgetop winds were forming soft surface slabs and the new snow was sloughing on steeper terrain.


We had 15cm of new snow on the car over 7 hours, it was puking when we left, and still is as we write!!  The new snow combined with wind loading was our biggest concern and will certainly be something to watch out for.



Shaun King, Mountain Guide

Ken Bélanger, Asst. Ski Guide