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Saturday, February 11, 2006

[MCR] Rogers Pass-Flat ck.

Scared of the predicted warming and consequent apocalypse ,we stayed in the trees. It never got as warm as forecasted. We went up Flat ck. a different way then up the N ridge. Starting on the trail after 2 km we skied right up the creek. It was nice and sunny there, fun too linking up bridges from one side to the other. At the first avalanche path coming down from W slopes we crossed to the W side of Flat ck and made our way up nicely using benched terrain through the trees up to the ridge proper and then to the knob at 2140M. Clear, calm and -1 with an HS of 165 at Tree line. No natural avalanches seen but for sloughing on solar aspects. Hard hand shear 55 down on a stiffer (P-) layer. Skied NE open terrain with sparse trees back down to ck. Good line. Called avalanche hazard in NE facing terrain unexposed from above hazards; Alpine: ~ (unobserved), Tree-line Good and Below Tree-line Good . Happy trails, Eric Dumerac.